What is a Mindset? What’s Yours?

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    What is a Mindset? What’s Yours?

    Copyright Carter McNamara, Authenticity Consulting, LLC

    The focus of the Library is on resources for personal, professional and organizational development. At the core of these is personal development. Without personal development, it’s difficult to sustain professional and organizational development.

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    What is a Mindset?

    “… a mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notations held by one or more people or groups of people. A mindset can also be seen as incident of a person’s world view or philosophy of life.” — Wikipedia

    An example of a mindset is abundance versus scarcity. Someone with a mindset of abundance naturally believes there are enough resources for everyone in the world and also that there are resources that will never run out because they replenish themselves, for example, love between people. Someone with a scarcity mindset naturally believes that there are limited amounts of everything and so, as some people benefit, others lose.

    Examples of Various Mindsets

    Breakthrough: Fixed Versus Growth Mindset

    This mindset was discovered by Carol Dweck in her ground-breaking research about traits of achieving and successful people. She found they had a different mindsets: a fixed versus growth mindset. While there are numerous examples of different mindsets, the fixed versus growth mindset has been a particular breakthrough for people living in today’s rapidly changing and highly complex world.

    A person with a fixed mindset believes people have fixed traits, similar to a scarcity mindset. A person with a growth mindset believes that traits can be changed and developed by working on them — the traits are abundant. A fixed mindset sees the world in an “either/or” perspective, while a growth mindset sees “both/and”. A fixed mindset sees mistakes as failures, while a growth mindset sees them as opportunities for learning. The following articles further explain this comparison.

    Test – What is Your Mindset?

    Do you think you are a fixed or a growth mindset? Take this test and see.

    Test Your Mindset?

    Now that you’ve got some impression of your mindset, what do you want to do about it?

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