How to Improve Your Memory: Guidelines and Resources

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    How to Improve Your Memory: Guidelines and Resources

    Copyright Carter McNamara, Authenticity Consulting, LLC

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    What is Memorizing?

    Memorizing is learning information by working to commit it to memory. It is one of the most common forms of learning, especially in an educational setting.

    Many of us think of memorizing a being the same as learning by repetition. The latter is technically referred to as rote learning. However, there are other techniques to help us memorize information.

    One of the most familiar is using flashcards. A common process is to show a word or a question to the learner and then ask the learner to describe or answer it. The correct answer is usually listed on the back of the card, so the person posing the card can share the correct answer with the learner as needed.

    Another memorization technique is the mnemonic in which the learner associates the information to be remembered with a word or phrase that is easier to remember. A typical example is to remember all of the Great Lakes in the United States by remembering the word “homes”, which includes the first letter of
    the lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior.

    Most of us know what memorizing is, but to truly understand it, it is important to compare it to similar, but different, words. That understanding helps us to appreciate memorizing, but also to know its limits. For example, how does memorizing compare to knowing?

    Concerns About Memorization as a Learning Technique

    Despite how common memorizing is as a technique for learning, it is criticized because memorizing information is not necessarily understanding that information. Perhaps memorization can be an initial phase of coming to understand information.

    Test Your Memory

    How good are you at memorizing? Take this test.


    The following articles provide suggestions for improving your memory.

    How to Improve Your Memory

    As with any skill, it takes practice. First, you get new information about how something could be done and then you practice applying that information.

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