Thought Leaders Then and Now – Raymond Rubicam – Marketing Hall of Fame

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    The Marketing Hall of Fame gives us deliciously interesting insight to Thought Leaders who shaped our Marketing and Advertising industries. Do their core philosophies transfer to Web 2.0 marketing and social media marketing?

    In the case of Raymond Rubicam, Founder of Young & Rubicam, YES!

    He forever changed the ad world with his beliefs and practices:

    • HE NURTURED THE CREATIVE TALENTS OF THE COPYRIGHTER – a basic tenet of Web 2.0 marketing. The web is a glorious instant publisher for all creatives!
    • HE KNEW THE CONSUMER – another foundation of Web 2.0 marketing and social media marketing. The consumers’ needs and wants are finally being heard!

    “Marketing” Creativity – The Cornerstone of Success

    Raymond Rubicam and John Orr Young founded Young & Rubicam with $5,000 and the belief that an advertisement should “mirror the reader.” While Raymond Rubicam’s emphasis on creativity was innovative in itself, his philosophy and copywriting approach revolutionized the industry.

    He believed that in effective marketing, knowledge and understanding of the customer was a critical component of effective advertising.

    David Ogilvy credited Rubicam with assembling “the best team of copywriters and art directors in the history of advertising,” whose advertisements “were read by more people than any other agency’s.”

    The agency quickly became the world’s third largest, representing many of America’s leading companies, such as Gulf Oil, General Electric, Johnson and Johnson, Fortune, Life and others. They EARNED these accounts through their creativity and because they knew their consumers.

    Pioneers in Consumer Research

    Rubicam constantly stressed the necessity for ideas founded on facts. His idea was to “know more than your competitors do about the market, and put that knowledge into the hands of writers and artists with imagination and broad human sympathies.” Rubicam set out to put his beliefs into practice.

    Rubicam hired Dr. George H. Gallup, then a Northwestern University professor, to lead the agency’s research department in 1932 and pioneered in new methods of research on people’s preferences, prejudices, their reading and radio listening practices.

    – Marketing Hall of Fame

    Click on the following link for more Insights into Rubicam.

    Social Media Marketing’s Core Principles include:

    • Know your target audience
    • Listen. And based on what you learn about them, engage in meaningful two-way conversation

    Rubicam couldn’t be more right-on today. For more basic social media marketing principles, see this eye-opening PowerPoint by iBrand Masters.

    Which marketing powerhouse Thought Leaders still influence us today?


    For more resources, see our Library topics Marketing and Social Networking.

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    ABOUT Lisa M. Chapman: With offices in Nashville Tennessee, but working virtually with international clients, Lisa M. Chapman serves her clients as a business coach, business planning consultant and social media marketing consultant. As a Founder of iBrand Masters, a social media marketing consulting firm, Lisa Chapman assists clients in establishing and enhancing their online brand, attracting their target market, engaging in meaningful social media conversations, and converting online traffic into revenues. Email Lisa @