Discovery Phase of Consulting — Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

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    Discovery Phase of Consulting —
    Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

    You do not need to register or give personal information to take this quiz.
    See Design of
    Free Management Library’s Quizzes

    This multiple-choice quiz is based on the content at Discovery
    Phase of Consulting
    for external and internal consultants. There can be
    more than one answer to a question unless otherwise specified. To do this quiz:

    1. Answer each of the questions to get a total score. Your score will be shown
      near the top after you have clicked on “Done”. If there is no score,
      then you probably missed answering a question.
    2. You also will be shown the results for each question, including:
      – Green checkmark means a correct choice that you had selected.
      – Gray background means a correct choice that you had not selected.
      – Red checkmark means a wrong choice that you had selected.
    3. To retake the quiz, reload the browser window or open another.