Career Satisfaction: You Don’t Have to Leave “Home”

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    career satisfaction“I love the company, the culture, and the people. The problem is that I’m bored in my current job. Things are too predictable, and you’re not challenged in the way that you used to be. You’re thinking of looking elsewhere.”

    Finding a new position within your organization may be easier than searching for a new job at another company. This is because your organization knows you – you have a proven track record and you know the organization with all its quirks. Companies also realize it’s much easier to train an insider than someone brand new. So before jumping ship, here are five things to do.

    1. Assess your career goals.
    Before you rush into any decision, spend time thinking about your career goals and what you want to accomplish. This helps ensure that you’ll make a move that’s aligned with those goals. See Career Anchors and Career Personality to help you understand what truly inspires you in your career.

    2. Create a transition plan.
    Write down the new responsibilities you’ll have in your new career. Identify the qualifications or skills that you’ll need, and create a plan to start acquiring them, ideally as part of your present job to give you experience.

    3. Look for tasks or projects that will expand your skills.
    Even if you have to volunteer or work extra time, these new skills and achievements may help you make your move. Doing a Personal SWOT Analysis will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

    4. Work with your boss.
    Your biggest obstacle might be your boss: he or she might not want to “lose you” to another department. If you’ve been successful in your current role, volunteer to become a mentor for your replacement. Then you can pass along your experience and help your replacement develop the necessary expertise.

    5. Be patient.
    You might be challenged with a lack of job openings, especially if you work for a flat organization. Don’t give up – career change can take a while to make. Keep working on your transition plan, and continue acquiring the knowledge and skills that you’ll need in your new role.

    Career Success Tip

    There are benefits to changing careers within your organization, rather than looking for opportunities elsewhere. You already know the company, and you don’t have to leave a workplace that you already like. But changing careers may take time, and it helps to prepare beforehand. Consider the risks of the decision, and analyze the knowledge and skills you’ll need to be successful in your new role. If there are no opportunities right now, focus on relearning what you love about your current career, and find ways to add more challenge and purpose to your work.

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