Most Forgotten Type of Leadership – Self-Leadership

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    Guest submission from Carter McNamara of Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

    There’s been an explosion of interest in the topic of leadership. Too often, we assume that leading always means leading others. Actually, that’s not the most common form of leading – and it’s not the most important.

    Most Important Form of Leading – Leading Yourself

    Most experts would agree that if you can’t effectively lead yourself, then you can’t effectively lead other individuals, groups or organizations. If you’re continually changing your priorities and can’t effectively address most of them, then the rest of the world will seem to be a confusing mess to you, as well. Others will soon become confused about your priorities, including for them. You’ll soon lose credibility and your ability to lead.

    What Are Some Skills Needed to Lead Yourself?

    There are many. We can’t address them all, but here’s a useful list from which to start. You need skills in learning, physical fitness, decision making and problem solving, critical thinking, setting personal goals, prioritizing, time and stress management, self-coaching, emotional intelligence, motivating yourself and work-life balance.

    Notice those skills are needed whether you’re around other people or not!

    So next time you read about the many skills needed to be a leader, don’t forget that you first need to lead yourself!

    What do you think?

    Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD – Authenticity Consulting, LLC – 800-971-2250
    Read my weekly blogs: Boards, Consulting and OD, Nonprofits and Strategic Planning.