How to Cultivate Strong Employee Engagement

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    How to Cultivate Strong Employee Engagement

    Sections of This Topic Include

    What is Employee Engagement?
    Why is Employee Engagement So Important?
    How Can I Cultivate Stronger Employee Engagement?

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    What is Employee Engagement?

    Employee engagement has become one of the most important concepts in leadership
    and management. It is often at the top of the list of the most important topics
    in this decade. It is based on the premise that the more engaged an employee
    is, the higher the employee is performing. Let us look at two different views
    on the topic:

    Employee Engagement is a fundamental concept in the effort to understand
    and describe, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the nature of the relationship
    between an organization and its employees. An “engaged employee” is
    defined as one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and
    so takes positive action to further the organization’s reputation and interests.
    An engaged employee has a positive attitude towards the organization and its
    values. An organization with “high” employee engagement might therefore
    be expected to outperform those with “low” employee engagement “
    — Wikipedia

    Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions
    for all members of an organisation to give of their best each day, committed
    to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational
    success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-being.
    — Engage for

    Also consider:

    What Is Employee Engagement?

    Why is Employee Engagement So Important?

    Copyright, Marcia
    business and leadership coach.

    Do you manage by walking around? What do you see? People excited about their job or people just going through the motions?

    When employees care about their work and their company — when they are engaged
    — they use discretionary effort. This means the engaged computer programmer
    works overtime when needed, without being asked. This means the engaged retail
    clerk picks up the trash on the store floor, even if the boss isn’t watching.
    This means the nurse comes into your room to see how you’re doing in addition
    to just giving you your meds. So how do you, as a manager or supervisor
    turn “it’s
    just a job” employees
    into engaged,
    energized employees

    Here are seven actions, that do not cost much if anything, yet have great impact.
    Which ones will work with your workforce?

    1. Spend time out in the field.
    Ask your employees how you can help make their jobs easier. Work alongside them
    and even let them teach you what they do. Southwest Airlines has a mandate that
    every manager must spend 1/3 of his or her time in direct contact with employees
    and customers to create a stronger feeling of teamwork.

    2. Celebrate everything you can.
    For example, meeting of short term goals, the end of the budget process, winning
    grants or new customers, extraordinary work, safety successes.

    3. Hold informal “grapevine sessions” to control the flow
    of the rumor mill.

    Managers must be prepared to listen and to be completely truthful and open.
    Even when they can’t share specific information, they can honestly explain why
    and when it will be available.

    4. Let people know what they do is important.
    Help your workers focus not on only a job description but also on how they fit
    into the big picture. That new sense of purpose will boost their self-esteem
    and motivation.

    5. Don’t let respect slip under the radar screen.
    If you treat your employees with respect you will earn their respect. For example,
    if you pay attention to and take care of your front-line people, they will in
    turn pay attention to and take care of the customer. Start with daily greetings.
    Remember their birthdays or other important dates. Take an interest in their
    interests. Say thank you for a job well done.

    6. Take them serious.
    There’s incredible brainpower all around you, so why not put it to work? You
    hired your employees because you thought they could make a valuable contribution.
    Ask for their suggestions to problems. Include them in decisions that affect
    their work. Give them enough authority that goes with their responsibility.

    7. Work for your people.
    Listen and act quickly on their questions. Clear the way so they can do their
    jobs well. Once people see their leader as acting for them, or on their behalf,
    they develop a personal loyalty that energizes their performance.

    Management Success Tip:

    So why is employee engagement so important? Here’s one way to answer that question:
    An employee that not only sees the glass half full but wants to contribute to
    the filling of the glass. That’s important because engaged employees lead to higher
    service, quality and productivity; which leads to higher customer satisfaction;
    which leads to increased sales (repeat business and referrals) which leads to
    better business outcomes. Do you want to develop your Management Smarts?

    How Can I Cultivate Stronger Employee Involvement?

    Here are a variety of views on the topic — most of them believing that the
    more engaged an employee is, the more satisfied and higher performing the employee
    is. Some articles go beyond this premise, to remind us that the ultimate aim
    of an engaged employee is not always around performance. It is to help all employees
    to find keep meaning and fulfillment in their life and work.

    Things to Do to Have Engaged, Energized Employees
    Your Employee for Better B
    Strategies to Connect and Engage Employees

    2018 Clear & Complete Guide to Employee Engagement

    is Employee Engagement – Engage for SuccessEngage for Success

    To Establish A Culture Of Employee Engagement

    engagement – Wikipedia
    Engages Employees the Most OR, the Ten Cs of Employee Engagement?
    fatal ways to kill employee engagement | Insurance Business
    Engagement | Gallup
    New Rules of Employee Engagement |
    Great Managers Do to Engage Employees
    Companies Getting Employee Engagement Right
    Tips to Increase Employee Engagement Without Spending a Dime
    Best Employee Engagement Strategy Is From The Bottom Up
    Employee Engagement Strategies for 2018
    an Employee Engagement Strategy.pdf
    6 most effective employee engagement strategies

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